In this work, we study computable families of Turing degrees introduced and first studied by Arslanov and their numberings. We show that there exist finite families of Turing c.e. degrees both those with and without computable principal numberings and that every computable principal numbering of a family of Turing degrees is complete with respect to any element of the family. We also show that every computable family of Turing degrees has a complete with respect to each of its elements computable numbering even if it has no principal numberings. It follows from results by Mal’tsev and Ershov that complete numberings have nice programming tools and computational properties such as Kleene’s recursion theorems, Rice’s theorem, Visser’s ADN theorem, etc. Thus, every computable family of Turing degrees has a computable numbering with these properties. Finally, we prove that the Rogers semilattice of each such non-empty non-singleton family is infinite and is not a lattice.