Kant 39 (2):110-115 (
The purpose of the study is to study the state of economic development and disintegration risks in Scotland in the context of the new coronavirus pandemic. Scenarios of disintegration processes in Scotland are constructed and disclosed. The new coronavirus pandemic has caused an unprecedented systemic economic crisis. The global economic crisis of 2008-2009 showed that systemic economic crises are the cause of widespread disintegration manifestations. This is also typical for the EU-an integration association, which since its formation has been characterized by the presence of a number of disintegration "hotbeds". One of the traditional sources of disintegration manifestations in Europe is Scotland. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, unlike other regions of the United Kingdom, the people of Scotland voted mainly for continued coexistence with the EU. This circumstance was one of the key reasons for the further acceleration of the disintegration processes in Scotland on the "domino principle". The new coronavirus pandemic has made a destructive contribution to the UK-EU relationship. Although the new referendum has been postponed indefinitely from 2020, it is highly likely to be held. As a result, it was revealed that most of the people of Scotland plan to vote for leaving the EU.