Beyond Dreams
I don't believe in a conscious God. I rather believe in a first principle, which being the origin of creation represents the innate propensity of nature to evolve in order to survive its continuous material mutations. God, the only immortal being, was and will always be immutable without ontological depth. According to most, it is present invisibly in everything. A concept that elevates our spirit by giving us parallel imaginative dimensions where perfection becomes wonder. He has given us free will as an instrument with which we determine our ephemeral existence. All in function of a universal judgment that makes our life a dream or a nightmare depending on the decisions made in the soft glow of our earthly manifestation. Why do we kill each other? Why are we forced to destroy lives every moment in order to comply with an innate duty dictated by an inconsistent balance? Perhaps the worship of God in history has led us to evolve into what we are today. However, a fearsome and distracted God has given us death as a sum goal from which we cannot return. I think that conceptually it is the divine that envies creation and not vice versa. What we think we know is simply the result of our belief that we exist. The same idea that gave meaning to the continuity of our species is imprinted in every singularity as a flame of the divine. A spark of creation that will never be extinguished as it will be reabsorbed in the eternal flow of things in a cycle that will probably never end. Cosmic dust floating in a timeless dimension. The very soul of man is nothing special. It consists simply in the balance of a self-awareness enclosed within one's own spiritual boundaries. Unfortunately, the spirit of a thinking mind is doomed with the physical death of its container. Each of us, in reality, is his own God or his own divinity. This is not the result of utopian ideas dictated by supernatural beings. As the origin of his own thought, the sentient being has the innate propensity to place himself at the center of his own world with all his energies. Heaven, purgatory and hell are mere prisons for our mind. The gravest mistake every religion commits is simply that of destroying what it fails to understand by virtue of a feeble and unhealthy balance in which it itself does not believe. O empty pilgrims weeping in your huge and magnificent haunts where the supreme discord of the sexes reigns. I feel compassion for those who dedicate their lives to the supernatural becoming a slave to the same morality that progressively makes any sacrifice useless. If we distort reality, we undermine the natural balance of the planet. And nature itself will swallow us up as our selfishness and greed are its antithesis. The synthesis is the end of one of the parts. We are just dust on the surface of an insignificant sphere that hovers suspended in time and space. How much fortune marks our phenomenological manifestation! What wonderful coincidences we are! Existing is a privilege that has no equal in all of creation. Noumena and Phenomena are two sides of the same coin that characterize every matter that is part of the universe. There is only one essence which is pure noumenon. It is the immutable and immortal concept of the divine. Nature is the key. It has the task of feeding its creatures in a balance as complex as it is intriguing. There is no man who came down from the cross without the consent of the multitude. There is no resurrected man who has previously crossed the threshold of the whole. There is no wine that became water in the minds of those who would be outraged. Every religion however complex and magnificently propositional is subject to the laws of the world. Where you are born determines what you believe. This is why nothing can dominate the incomparable gear around which the whole universe rotates: THE LOVE! Love is the end; it is the principle and the means through which the multiple consciences of men survive the inexorable flow of time that changes everything without stopping. O human being, o magnificent creature, don't you see how matter is aimed by definition at remembering its transience? Mausoleums of all sorts where tears are soothed in an infinite motion by those who yearn for immortality. The only immortal being is the immaterial creature that governs and sustains everything as a result of our innate desire to be part of a universe that ignores us by definition. But Love is the perennial origin of all the good that exists in creation. It is opposed to its negation, that is the first evil that arose from Pandora's box. The becoming of things will never, ever allow the denial of the first principle to destroy creation. Continuity is the essential condition of evolution. It awakened the consciousness of an anthropomorphic ape, changing it over time to what it represents today. How can we be so arrogant as to deny what the past clearly unearths in our eyes? Majestic and terrible creatures have crossed the paths of our world. The unfolding of nature that we believe we have subdued was at its peak but at the same time devoid of the laws that are the basis of reason. There is no valid compensation for the neuronal and physical limit of our imaginative power. Man has been waiting since time immemorial for what he did not understand at his coming and will never be able to understand, as he is blinded by matter which with its glare clouds his soul. The only true immortality for short-lived beings as we are is represented by our original singularity deriving from the ancestral spark that each of us possesses thanks to the touch of the divine. If it is not placed again at the center of everything as a first principle, it will itself destroy what God harshly created. Know that nature will bitterly rebel against anyone who opposes its evolution process. You witness the punishment that the ancient Gods inflicted on themselves. It will be no exception, despite being aware of our singularity, it will deprive us of the divine flame and will bestow it on another living category as it did in the past. Being devoid of conscience, it cannot in any way be manipulated. Her innate balance will always triumph in spite of thinkers as the origin of the material thickness of her creatures. Unfortunately, man, his best creature, is intrinsically his own enemy as he seeks comfort in a soulless matter in order to satisfy the emptiness deriving from the smallness of his ephemeral condition. From the height of his magnificence, however, he made another mistake: confusing imagination and reality. To transform the first into the second, he progressively destroyed the latter with ferocity, making falsehood a real dogma. Lost in the passing of the ages, an artificial truth has killed true progress by creating alternative ways that are anything of edifying. What suffering hovers in the depths of the soul of the creature made in the image of the being it yearns for. The world rules the day despite the complex oneiric plots hatched night time by the aggregations made up of the followers of the various dogmas. These rules do not aim at the pursuit of happiness as a consequence of ethical and moral principles, but only at the pyramidal consensus of the consciences which are their foundation. The greatest desire of the conscious being is to intuit one's own cosmic dimension. He constantly tries to fulfill it by going into the divine. The true path that allows the realization of this intent is none other than to aspire to the perfect harmony of the surroundings. The greatest gratification that comes with it is the ability to distinguish right from wrong. However, we blindly believe that our undisputed intellectual superiority over other beings justifies the destruction of entire ethnic groups and species as an inescapable improvement of our destiny. By its very nature, the true engine of progress cannot and must not have a tendency to poison the source from which it draws its satisfaction. LIBERTAS REGNAT SUPER PATERNITATEM MUNDI.