La filosofía ingeniosa de Ernesto Grassi y la rehabilitación del humanismo retórico renacentista
Este estudio trata de presentar la original filosofía de Ernesto Grassi y la figura intelectual de este pensador italo-germano.Palabras clave: Ernesto Grassi, Vico, Heidegger, Humanismo renacentista, retórica, fantasía, ingenio, lenguaje poético, pensamiento metafórico, racionalismo cientificista.This paper is an attempt to introduce the original philosophy of Ernesto Grassi —which is based on the current need to rehabilitate the rhetoric humanism of the Renaissance against the hegemonic pretensions of abstract rationality— and the intellectual figure of that Italian and German thinker.Keywords: Ernesto Grassi, Vico, Heidegger, Renaissance humanism, rhetorics, fantasy, ingenuity, poetic language, metaphorical thought, scientificist rationalism