The holy Chapter Ekhlas is one of the important chapters in the Glorious Quran whose position is clear in infallible imams' sayings and Muslim thinkers' commentary views. This chapter includes deep mystical points on Divine Essence on which many views have been proposed. Accordingly, this chapter indicates the tenor of three stages of God's essence- absent of all absents, oneness, and uniqueness- based on mystics' esoteric and mystical views. The present paper briefly studies Muslim mystics' mystical approach to stages of Divine Essence using the Chapter of Unity. The stage of absent of all absents is a non-conditional- as- the- source- of- division essence which has no sign and there is no means to acquire knowledge on it. The stages of oneness and uniqueness are conditioned- by- no- condition and conditioned-by-something essences, respectively. No doubt, the essence of the Most high God is one and these three determinations are named based on a consideration. The nature of mystical approach to stages of Divine Essence with regard to this monotheistic Chapter usually indicates this commentary explanation that "He" refers to the stage of absent adytum of essence i.e. absent of all absents; "God is one" means the stage of essence of Divine Unity; and "God is He on Whom all depends" means the stage of essence of Divine oneness.