This is No. 16 in the valuable series, Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation. The importance of the question of the Eternity of the World in Mediaeval philosophy cannot be taken lightly as in many respects it served as the watershed dividing basically divergent metaphysical commitments. In this volume are included Thomas' short treatise, De Aeternitate Mundi-translated for the first time—Siger's Questions on the Eternity of the World, and selections from Bonaventure taken chiefly from the Collationes in Hexaemeron. In the section on Thomas are also included chapters 31-38 from Book II of the Summa Contra Gentiles, articles 1-2 from the Summa Theologiae I, Q. 46, article 17 from De Potentia Dei, Q. 3, and chapters 98-99 from the Compendium of Theology I. Bibliographies are appended to the selections from Thomas and Siger.—E. A. R.