Many complex systems, like biologic ones, cannot be understood with reductionist and analytic methods which are based upon an aristotelian logic with two values, false and true; in the past, mathematicians and philosophers have developed alternative logics, and the philosopher Stéphane Lupasco proposed a dynamic logic named logic of contradictory statements, with three values, potential, actual, and T which represents a mediate position between actual state and potential state, moreover, dynamics is introduced in form of a logical movement from potential to actual, which can be reversed; last but not least, this logic presents a correlation with metaphysical concepts like involution/evolution dualism proposed by Aurobindo, implicate/explicate order proposed by the physician David Bohm, and hegelian synthesis.In this paper, we propose to describe biological systems with a general model derived from this logic, and propose that dynamics of such systems can be represented by use of (i) discontinuities which propagate, and (ii) organizing centres, so, two kinds of propagation can be involved; we propose to name actualization waves the discontinuities which propagate from centers toward periphery, and potentialization waves the ones which propagate from periphery toward centers (see fig. 1 and 2).