A real α is called a c. e. real if it is the halting probability of a prefix free Turing machine. Equivalently, α is c. e. if it is left computable in the sense that L = {q ∈ ℚ : q ≤ α} is a computably enumerable set. The natural field formed by the c. e. reals turns out to be the field formed by the collection of the d. c. e. reals, which are of the form α—β, where α and β are c. e. reals. While c. e. reals can only be found in the c. e. degrees, Zheng has proven that there are Δ02 degrees that are not even n-c. e. for any n and yet contain d. c. e. reals, where a degree is n-c. e. if it contains an n-c. e. set. In this paper we will prove that every ω-c. e. degree contains a d. c. e. real, but there are ω + 1-c. e. degrees and, hence Δ02 degrees, containing no d. c. e. real