Granì 23 (1-2):40-48 (
The article analyzes the main socio-philosophical problems of the transformation of modern global media in the development of information and communication technologies, which involves the active emergence of new generation communication channels. The main factors substantiating the process of intensive structural and functional transformation of the entire media system are disclosed. Various approaches to the definition of the concept of "media space" are analyzed. The main features of modern media space as such and media space in its connection with social space are determined. It is proved that the development and transformation of media is carried out under the influence of new technological trends, which determine the main vector of development of society as a whole. Analyzing the main technological trends of the near future, a forecast is provided on how the media space and society are being transformed, in particular, attention is focused on the emergence of cyberspace with elements of virtual and augmented reality, as well as artificial intelligence as new interactive types of media. Particular attention in this publication is given to the problem of the creation and functioning of artificial intelligence. It is considered that the problem of artificial intelligence in modern science has embraced a wide range of studies. Modern philosophical reflections on artificial intelligence represent a wide problem field that is constantly changing and refined, and in the context of artificial intelligence, not only problems such as the prospects of self-organizing computer systems are studied, but also the ethical aspects of the application of artificial intelligence technologies. It is noted that an understanding of the concept of artificial intelligence does not exist today, and therefore further reflections on it can not only specify these areas of research, but also radically change the currently prevailing idea of the possibility and potential of artificial intelligence.