Theodicy is often rejected because a suffering person is hardly interested in abstract argu
ments—even if these arguments were convincing, they might not change the suffering she is experienc
ing. I propose a twofold theodicy. First, Christians are invited to promote positive apologetics—they
should show the internal consistency of divine revelation, which recommends that they should alleviate
suffering and promote flourishing. Second, Christians should develop negative apologetics and show the
untenability of objections to the Christian view of evil and suffering, including the seemingly uncontro
versial objection that a world without innocent suffering would be better in terms of justice than the one
we live in. My argument is that in both positive and negative apologetics believers should be guided by
devotion and commitment to God. The more they love and trust God, and consequently believe what God
has revealed, the more they are expected to encourage both flourishing and rational confrontation.