The problem of evil not only is the challenge for theology in atheist reading but also is a philosophical problem which has various features. “David Hume”, “J.L.Mackie” and “William.L Rowe” have considered it as an unsolvable difficulty, therefore they were to present it as a logical form to be discussed as a contradiction with “the existence of God” and “the best possible world”.
William Rowe in his recent book, “Can God be free?” insists on “moral responsibility” and the “no-reason-evil” to form a solution newer than Mackie’s in the problem of evil. Based on these two elements there are “no-reason-evils” while there is no necessity for them in the corporeal world, consequently the omnipotent should have removed them. This paper, on the researching into this point of view is going to emphasize on three neglected issues: A: What definition would William Rowe give us from “on the nature of evil”? B: What would be a criterion for the “no-reason-evil”? C: And how can we realize “the moral responsibility of God”?
It seems that he hasn’t had any clear and convincing answers while the judgment about evil, having "no-reason-evils" or having a reason require a deep recognition of the evil.