We will focus our essay on the deleuzian concept of plane of consistency, as described in A Thousand Plateaus, and on the mystical experiences of St. Teresa of Avila reported in her The Interior Castle. Our purpose is to think of approaching a mystique of immanence. In fact, at first glance, it appears that the description of the deleuzian plane of consistency, on the horizon of a radical immanence, is incompatible with the mystical experiences of St. Teresa of Avila. It turns out, however, that this immanence proposed by the aesthetics and the ontology of difference of Deleuze is not flat on horizontality. This immanence or plane of consistency is fundamentally a meta-experience of fusional multiplicities which involve the body-language relationship, but also opens itself to the molecular infinity of the leibnizian petites perceptions and the infinity of the cosmos. In fact, also the concepts of intensive singular individuation and bliss inherent to Deleuze’s absolute immanence, express, ad modum sui, what really happens in the unique mystical experience of Saint of Avila, as we shall see. On the other hand, as Zizek very well pointed, the Deleuzian ontology of the virtual or his spiritualist neobergsonism evident in the work L’image-temps, about the religious-metaphysical films of a Dreyer, Bresson, Rossellini and Ingmar Bergman are useful to open a breach in that radical immanence. On the horizon of Deleuze’s transcendental empiricism, the image-time of cinema expresses the Aion, the time of the event, and the aesthetic figure is a sensitive transcendence. We will, specifically, outline some features of the Deleuzian ontology of difference within that post-secular reason, and explain the properties and the construction of the plane of consistency, where do occur the singular meta-experiences of the thought, the creation and the mystical teresian body.