Richard Detsch - Heidegger: L'Introduction du nazisme dans la philosophie. Autour des séminaires inédits de 1933-1935 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 673-675 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Richard Detsch University of Nebraska at Kearney Emmanuel Faye, Heidegger: L'Introduction du nazisme dans la philosophie. Autour des séminaires inédits de 1933–1935. Paris: Albin Michel, 2005. Pp. 567. Paper, e29.00. Faye, who is a lecturer at the University of Paris X–Nanterre and an authority on Descartes, goes perhaps farther than any other Heidegger critic in seeing a corpus of philosophic works filled with the "danger" of disseminating Nazi ideas . Indeed, he considers Heidegger's works "as destructive and dangerous for contemporary thought as the Nazi movement was for the physical existence of the exterminated peoples" . With this kind of hyperbole, Faye pushes the limits of critical, academic discourse beyond what can normally be accommodated. He has thereby rendered suspect the contributions of any number of Heidegger scholars who do not view the Heideggerian corpus as a danger to the thought processes of their students. Faye stands, of course, in a critical tradition that he credits..