Preface to paperback edition of no free lunch
Five years have elapsed since the publication of No Free Lunch. In that time, intelligent design (ID) has gone from a little-known and marginalized alternative to standard evolutionary theory to a national and international phenomenon that everyone with an interest in the biological origins debate is talking about. Gone is the former dichotomy between creationism and evolution. Leaving aside creationism’s insistence on treating Genesis as a scientific text and treating the detection and application of design as a research tool for science, ID has carved out its own conceptual space and place at the table of scientific discussion. Five years ago critics of ID regularly leveled the charge that ID has no peer-reviewed publications in the biological literature. That charge is no longer supportable, with pro-ID research appearing in such journals as Protein Science, Journal of Molecular Biology, and Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (for details, see my expert witness report for the Dover case at