Схід 3 (149):35-42 (
The article analyses the contribution of Ukrainian National Council in Petrograd - plenipotentiary representative body of Ukrainian Central Rada in the capital of Russia, created after the February Revolution in 1917 under the heading of O. Lototskyi and P. Stebnytskyi - in the facility of helping refugees and evictees from Galicia, Volyn and Kholmshchyna during the First World War. Individual letters of evicts from Ukraine have been published V. Rozvadovsky, the assistant professor of the university and the professional gymnasium in Stanislaviv I. S. Demianchuk, etc.), which came to the address of Ukrainian National Council. There were analyzed lists of Galician settlers, which had to live in Tashkent, on the Russian territory, in Voronizh, Kazanska, Enyseiska and other provinces). It was proved, that in the period of functioning of Ukrainian National Council the help to refugees and evictees from Galicia, Volyn and Kholmshchyna was focused in the frame, allocated by researchers second stage of the solution of the refugee problem - preparing to reevacuation, initiated in times of Ukrainian National Council. The practical contribution of Ukrainian National Council in Petrograd was in the collection of statistical information about evictees, submission to higher government institutions of appeals and petitions regarding the improvement of their living conditions and providing of material assistance, returning them to the territory of Ukraine, appealing to charitable organizations and patronage volunteers requesting assistance to war prisoners and evictees, involvement in law-making practice, directed to facilitating the fate of this social category.