According to Thomas Kuhn (1962/1970), science is characterized by two levels,
one within and one between paradigms. The problem of Kuhnian rationality
concerns the choice between paradigms, for which no rational basis appears to
exist because this choice is inevitably circular to some extent. This is the main
reason why Kuhn's view is perceived to glorify irrationality. (ibid. 199) I present
two interpretations of the problem of Kuhnian rationality, one based on concepts
(the neo-positivist interpretation) and one based on values. I also describe two
notions of rationality, optimizing and satisficing. Neither interpretation supports
the notion of optimizing, but the values-interpretation supports satisficing,
suggesting that if Kuhnian scientists are rational, as Kuhn insisted, they are
satisficers. An agent-based model demonstrates that aggregating the behaviour of
satisficing agents can account for Kuhn's view on the dynamics of scientific