In Latin America, policies on inclusive education in the university are implemented in an irrelevant way, despite the foundations that seek a university that guarantees in all students the learning, skills and competences they need. To try to provide solutions, the Social Model of Inclusive Education (MSEI) is proposed, which allows identifying management in inclusive education, by calculating the effectiveness index, using the cause-effect structure among three variables: i) policies in inclusive education, ii) conditions presented by students and iii) attitudes towards students. The variables are derived into indicator variables, developing items that allow the collection of information with all the members of a higher education institution; thus formalizing a mathematical model of structural equations. The MSEI was applied as a pilot plan in a higher education institution in Ecuador, showing that the management effectiveness index in inclusive education is 60.3%, related to a work of greater weight in indicator variables such as: support that provides the educational institution to the students, the socio-economic situation of the students and the differentiated assessment of learning.