In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.4 (2003) 613-616 [Access article in PDF] KONSTANTINOS KAPPARIS. Abortionin the Ancient World. London: Duckworth, 2002. viii + 264 pp. Cloth, £40. In his introduction, Kapparis states that he has tried to "produce a 'readable and synthesized' treatment of the available evidence, without losing sight of time and place" (5). In this book Kapparis does collect, in English, most of the sources and results of the work that has been done on abortion in the ancient world since the publication of Enzo Nardi's Procurato aborto nel mondo Greco-Romano (Milan, 1971), and most of the conclusions collected at the end of each chapter I find unobjectionable. To this extent, this is a useful book. However, the general tenor and the organization of the discussion within each chapter does, I think, lose sense of time and place, especially in the case of classical Athens, which is the main focus of Kapparis's interest.Rather than treating each culture chronologically, Kapparis presents the material in six main chapters: (1) "Methods of Abortion"; (2) "When Does Human Life Begin?"; (3) "The Doctor's Dilemma"; (4) "The Woman's Point of View"; (5) "The Man's Point of View"; (6) "Abortion and the Law." Even the subsections within each chapter are not chronological periods. Within each subsection, Kapparis clearly strives for a chronological arrangement, but he is not always successful, and there are times when the chronological progression will not be clear to the non-specialist. When discussing the role of midwives, for instance, Kapparis begins with Soranus' description of their role, saying, "The few available references to the role of the midwife in the community reveal that Greek midwives were well-respected figures with an important role to play as health advisers, and a daunting list of responsibilities" (85). There is no initial indication that Soranus' remarks are directed to midwives in Rome of the second century C.E. After backtracking to take account of a remark in Plato's Theaetetus, Kapparis concludes, "the tasks of the midwife had not really changed much from the classical period to the time of Soranus (second century AD)" (87). The conclusion from just these two citations is questionable in the extreme, but without further cultural embedding, the statement is virtually meaningless. In ancient Greece, for example, a midwife was expected to have given birth herself, and the role would often have been filled simply by the older female members of a household, whereas Soranus says that personal experience in childbirth is not a prerequisite for a midwife because he sees it as a far more professional position. Even when Kapparis does present the material with strong chronological and cultural markers, it would be very hard for a non-specialist to separate out from each subsection the strands that go together to make a cohesive society.One of the biggest problems in the tenor of Kapparis's discussion derives from his projecting the later, largely Christian, concern over the fate of the fetus into the classical Greek period. Obviously there was a range of opinions on the subject in antiquity, just as there is today; and there were probably many people, especially pregnant women and prospective fathers, who felt a strong emotional attachment to the fetus at all stages. However, one cannot begin to assess the [End Page 613] attitude towards abortion in ancient Athens without acknowledging that the society countenanced the exposure of newborn infants. Kapparis does not deal with this issue at any length until pages 154-62. On page 69 he tries to downplay its significance by saying, "An individual's conscience, strength of religious feeling, and broad perception of human identity would be important factors in the decision over the fate of an unwanted infant." But conscience, religious feeling, and perception of human identity for the vast majority of people are largely shaped by the culture in which they live. Athenians, and other Greeks, lived in a society in which they could, with impunity, expose a newborn simply for being female. While I am sure that in many cases it was a...