This paper refutes the mechanistic interpretation of cellular dynamics and contends that the life-giving principle is sustained growth a biological system and is uninterrupted growth balanced in a dynamic state by synthesis and dissolution. The process began by an oxidation/reduction reaction on the surface of pyrite energized photovoltaically by sunlight. Hydrogen sulfide was oxidized, carbon dioxide was reduced, and phosphate on the surface of the pyrite was a reactant. The first organic compounds were sulfides and phosphoglycerates. These organophosphates were at the center of the energy cycle of all life where the dehydration of a relatively unreactive “low-energy” two-phosphoglycerate transforms it into the “high-energy” phosphoenolpyruvate. Life began as a growth process and continues to grow ceaselessly out of necessity. It cannot discontinue the life-giving energy flow without irreparable loss of the process. All forms of life past and present were and are stabilized systems in which the growth process is contained in metabolic turnover.