Removing a black hole conic singularity by means of Kruskal representation is equivalent to imposing extensibility on the Kasner–Fronsdal local isometric embedding of the corresponding black hole geometry. Allowing for globally non-trivial embeddings, living in Kaluza–Klein-like M 5 × S 1 (rather than in standard Minkowski M 6 ) and parametrized by some wave number k, extensibility can be achieved for apparently “forbidden” frequencies ω in the range ω 1 (k) ≤ ω ≤ ω 2 (k). As k → 0, ω 1, 2 (0) → ωH (e.g., ωH = 1/4M in the Schwarzschild case) such that the Hawking–Gibbons limit is fully recovered. The various Kruskal sheets are then viewed as slices of the Kaluza–Klein background. Euclidean k discreteness, dictated by imaginary time periodicity, is correlated with flux quantization of the underlying embedding gauge field