Horizonte 13 (39):1609-1629 (
This study analyzes how poetic procedures used in Psalm 9,12-21 emphasize imprecations in these verses. The issue of imprecations in the Psalms is always subject to be studied, discussed and digested. In addition to the general problem of imprecations – something omnipresent in the Psalter –, exegetes always must face the imprecations of each specific poem. This requires a careful examination of the devices that the psalmist uses. For this formal approach, the second part of Psalm 9 offers interesting and rich material, since the various poetic and rhetorical resources are in function of theology, that is, they delineate the theological profiles for the three main characters involved in the conflict: the psalmist, enemies and YHWH. This study is mainly, but not exclusively, synchronic; the translation was made directly from the Hebrew, so keep as closely as possible the poetic and rhetorical devices used by the psalmist. A theological synthesis closes the analysis by way of conclusion