Philosophy of Jesuits in Lithuania since the 16th until the 18th Century
The article consists of the most significant conclusions from the research into the philosophy of Jesuitsin Poland and Lithuania that had been systematically conducted by the author for thirty years. It refersto the period since the beginning of the activity of Jesuits in Lithuania in the second half of the 16thcentury until the end of the 18th century. Having distinguished the two areas of Jesuit philosophy inLithuania of the relevant period – philosophy connected with teaching, i. e. taught at the Jesuit schools,and civic philosophy, not connected directly with teaching – the article discusses the most eminentJesuit philosophers, as well as the sources and significance of Jesuit philosophy, also its relation toAristotelian doctrine and new physics of the time. The main concerns of the insufficiently examinedcivic philosophy are discussed in the last section.Keywords: Jesuit philosophy, philosophy in Lithuania, second scholastics, Jesuit Aristotelianism