With the aid of new technologies, science has found creative ways to investigate nature. Through the use of a highly sensitive, low-noise, cooled camera, previously applied to exploring dark sky, scientific laboratories around the world have been looking at the weak emission of light from cells in a living organism. Biophoton emission, as so-called by Fritz Albert Popp, was introduced to science in the 1920s by the Russian embryologist Alexander Gurwitsh, receiving the name of mitogenetic rays. Since 1974, systematic research carried out by Fritz Albert Popp and his colleagues in many parts of the world has been focused on conducting experiments and working towards a biophoton theory to inform us about its properties. One of the main hypotheses is that biophoton plays an important biological function and due to evidence of coherence of its light, i.e. a high degree of order with an extremely stable intensity (Bischof 2005), biophoton is supposed to operate as a biological laser, able to manage a network of information in the organism as well as to form electromagnetic field patterns. Interactive art based on digital technologies uses numerical data to produce interactions between our body and lit pixels on the screen. Maybe, with the correct tools and equations, data from subtle fields of energy in living systems could be used to connect different systems of information, conjugating micro and macro levels of energy. This paper intends to examine biophoton research as a possible model to interactive art and consider the way it could lead to new forms for perception and consciousness.