National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada (
My philosophy of education thesis reconstructs the traditional Ignatian method of contemplation-in-action within the larger context of postmodernism and the main contemporary challenges to traditional Western spirituality: secular humanism, feminism, ecologism, and holism. The philosophical impediments to educating for spirituality, especially techno-rationalism, are discussed. Contemplation-in-liberating praxis is proposed as a holistic and globally responsive method for spiritual education today. The thesis discusses mysticism and contemplation and opts for an understanding of contemplation as 'wonderstruck beholding' of the underlying unity in the universe. Contemplation, because it is innate to the human person, is available to all persons regardless of differences. The contemplative dimension of human life is complemented by the active dimension which in this thesis is understood to include the area of social and political action. Hence, a discussion of politics and the problem of pursuing justice within North America is presented. A cosmology of the earth as a community recognizes the principle of relatedness and connectedness. Such a cosmological consciousness forms the necessary backdrop for engaging in liberating praxis which is understood as reflective action away from individualism to transformative communities. Crucial to the contemplative-in-liberating praxis method proposed is the discussion on how the contemplative and liberating praxis dimensions function together. The dialectical process integrates both the contemplative and liberating praxis dimensions and provides for a holistic approach that builds on the healthy paradox often experienced between the contemplative and active dimensions and avoids any tendency towards polarization of these two areas of life. The importance of community, the role of the teacher and of students as contemplatives-in-liberating praxis, developmentalism, and the various locations for using contemplation-in-liberating praxis are also explored. The entire thesis moves towards articulating a plausible method for educating for a political spirituality needed for our global age.