In this book, Colin Howson disputes the proofs for the existence of God. Howson is an ardent defender of Bayesian inference, a method of logical statistical reasoning. The book will please the unbeliever, but will prove bitter and deeply unfair to believers.The first part (chapters 1 and 2) intends to discredit the religious phenomenon. Howson uses the usual style of polemical atheists that touches the heart more than reason. So this part can hardly be taken seriously as a rational discourse. All religions are sketched and gruffly censored as totalitarian systems responsible for much suffering, immorality, racism and oppression. They are enemies of freedom, especially in matters of sex, politics, science and culture. These ad hominem arguments are weak and commonly used to blame all biased types of ideologies whatever they are: political, religious, atheistic, etc. But Howson is silent about many historical episodes which show that atheistic ideologies are at least equally repressive a ..