It is intended to problematize the concept of essence, based on Edmundo Huserl’s menology, which is directly related to the zero of knowledge, which takes place from the process of époche, or suspension of the degree of judgment, to apprehend the knowledge of to intentional experiences (Husserl, 1907). Would we be able to reach the zero degree of knowledge? Would it be possible to apprehend the essence of things? Would the phenomenological method give us elements that allow it to aim at things? Would we be able to overcome, through suspension of judgments, the concepts that we use on a daily basis? What essence would this be, when we are formed and conformed to the concept of essence, as a pure form deriving from the Platonic doctrine (Plato, 1972). What conclusion can we reach on this matter? And what are the consequences for a rigorous reading of the concept of essence in Husserl? This is our intention in this article, as a reflective challenge.