Children and music are the theme of this article conceived as a sort of rehearsal, with the aim of thinking a musical education of childhood. Its theoretical foundations emerge from conversations between music education and childhood studies, and formed the basis for the lecture workshop held at the II Congress of Childhood Studies, in September 2019, at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The text addresses methodological openings present in creative approaches to curricula based on network formats and circles. Improvisations and compositions made by children and guided by professor-artists who know their craft, emerge from these experimental dynamics. The participation of children in collaborative action with their teachers gives, in turn, new meanings to the teacher’s role in the form of “double listening”—listening both to children and to their musical expressions. The development of research in children’s music has powerful implications both for musical education and for the field of education. This research also contributes to childhood studies, since listening to children's musical expressions makes it possible to know more about what they think, feel and do when they create their music. It also promises to result in greater visibility and audibility for the songs invented by them, and for the recognition of the importance of music education in schools.