Granada: Libros del Genio Maligno Series academica n°4 Granada. Translated by Cucu Marius (
On their way to the essential, the metaphysical explorations will always col-lide with the chimera of false names applied by the daily superficiality on ob-vious realities. The fact of trying to extinguish the opposition between these names, to neutralize the gnoseological blockage and the censorship required by them means to assume the approach of cutting through the wall of appear-ances. Only beyond such limits lay the plains of the philosophical medita¬tion, with the extension of liberties leading towards the ideality of wisdom. Dealing with the appearance represents the propaedeutic preparatory impact for subsequent revivals of the analytical gaze into the endless universe of deep existential meanings. The refusal of the misleading superficial image and the breaking of the outer appearance which proposes an illusion instead of the truth opens, for the contemplative consciousness, the horizon of the being hidden beyond any appearance, with the thinker being like a skilled diver passing through the gulf of the billows in order to descended into the quiet depths of limitless fluids. Thus, the philosophical meditation is often intended to be a careful and lucid penetration through the bustle of daily ap¬pearances to the abyss of fully eclipsed truths, a reminder, a removal from oblivion of these hidden certainties. This paper aims to bring together several attempts to follow the path of the notional abstract dives, wishing the projec¬tion in the soil of that beyond obstructed by appearance. In light of these trials, the issues of death, of the verb to love, of nostalgia, of the prophetic mission, of the melancholic revolt, of the interpretation of artistic instances, of the poetic unfulfillment or of idolatry must be viewed in their ontic nudity, removing the misleading garments, the artificial masks and titles imposed through the triviality of the daily profanity. The fact of getting through and overcoming the image, the common opinion about such an issue appears to be the beginning of the journey towards its true founder, the first step of the meditative and convulsive progression towards the abyss which sustains and carries it. Being active in this crepuscular zone that tensedly reunites the gloomy appearances and the bright founder lights, the thinker’s hermeneutic role is limited here to the notification of falsehood of certain everyday per¬spectives on existential phenomena and to the rediscovery of the authentic names that belong to each of these phenomena. Only by evoking their real names, they will answer the human call from the overflow of their telluric holiness.