Briga za nadarenu djecu
U svijetu u kojem znanje igra sve veću ulogu i u kojem najveću privrednu vrijednost imaju izumi inovacije i otkrića, u prvi plan dolaze čovjekovi intelektualni resursi. Briga za poticanje i razvitak dječje darovitosti postaje ne samo autonomni odgojni cilj nego i uvjet preživljavanja kulturnih i privrednih zajednica na globaliziranom tržištu. Pri tome je bitno da ta briga bude zastupljena već u ranom djetetovom odgoju i kontinuirana.U ovom se radu razmatraju potreba i mogućnosti djelanja s nadarenom djecom predškolske dobi.In a world in which knowledge plays an increasingly greater role and in which the greatest economic value belongs to inventions, innovations and discoveries, one’s intellectual resources come to the fore. Caring for the stimulation and development of children’s giftedness has become not only an autonomous educational goal, but also the condition of the survival of cultural and economic communities on the globalised market. It is essential that this care be employed already at the early stages of children’s education and that it continue throughout their education.This paper considers the need to and the possibilities of working with gifted pre-school children