This study analyzes the mechanisms of generation and subsequent dissemination in the social space of modern society of emotions that accompany those individual acts of acquiring goods and services, which, in turn, themselves become the object of constant manipulation by the marketing services of the sellers of these products. Particular attention is paid to the philosophical, cultural and psychological features of the implementation of specific mechanisms for manipulating individual motivation, perception, consciousness of a potential consumer. In addition, the conclusions of the study analyze the special role of emotional accompaniment of a buyer who has committed an act of acquiring something, which allows you to effectively implement established marketing strategies and techniques throughout the entire society of mass consumption, by organizing control over the targeted dissemination of information about emotional states that arise in the process of consumption at the individual level. Manipulation of the motivation, perception and consciousness of the buyer occurs mainly through emotions. In order for the manipulation process to be effective, motivation and rationalization of consumer behavior must be generated in society massively and on an ongoing basis. An experienced manipulator has the skills to read the emotions of the buyer, based on the assessment of which, then he purposefully creates the illusion of a common interest, preferences, lifestyle for the buyer. The manipulator knows that it is not so much the product itself that is being bought, as the ritual of its acquisition entirely together with the entire palette of emotions inherent in it.