“Another world is possible”, the conference in memory and in honor of David Lewis (1941-2001), took place at the University “Carlo Bo” of Urbino, on the 16th, 17th and 18th of June. In these three days several philosophers have presented and discussed some of the most interesting Lewisian themes, showing their current research development.
The conference has been structured into five 90 minutes plenary talks, each one followed by a session focused on a particular topic. Andrea Bottani from University of Bergamo, Sònia Roca-Royes from University of Stirling, John Collins from Columbia University, John Divers from University of Leeds and Vincenzo Fano from University of Urbino presented their papers in the first ones, while the latter ones were “Semantics and Convention”, “Mereology, Properties and Persistence”, “Counterfactuals”, “Modality and Possible Worlds” and “Causality and Time”. Each post-plenary session consisted in three 45 minutes talks about the selected topic. In this reportage we will keep this structure reporting all five plenary talks and the abstracts of every session.
We would congratulate for the efficient organization with the Organizing Committee, composed by Aphex’s editorial team, thanking them warmly for their willingness, without which this reportage could not have be written.