The aim of the present paper is to give a purely probabilistic account for the approach to equilibrium of classical and quantum gas. The probability function used is classical. The probabilistic dynamics describes the evolution of the state of the gas due to unary and binary collisions. A state change amounts to a destruction in a state and the creation in another state. Transitions probabilities are splittled into destructions terms, denoting the random choice of the colliding particle(s), and creation terms, describing the allocation of the same particle(s) on the final state(s). While the destruction term is the same for all types of particles, the creation one depends upon a parameter bound to the interpraticle correlation. The transition probabilities give rise to a homogeneous Markov chain. The equilibrium distributions satisfy the principle of detailed balance. Relaxation times depend upon the interparticle correlation. Relationships with the Ehrenfest urn model, Brillouin unified method, ensemble interpretation, and quantum H-theorem are considered too