NutritionismNutritionism creates hegemonic norms for eating and defining subjectivity, but this chapter demonstrates the specifically gendered effects of this ideology. Examining how diet and wellnessWellnessmediaMedia communicate stereotypical ideas about genderGender through saladSalad, the chapter analyses a variety of source material, including the photo essay “Women Laughing Alone with SaladSalad”, the Men’s HealthHealth and Women’s HealthHealth websites, Instagram images, and numerous foodFood and “wellnessWellness” trends. Such sources create nutritionismNutritionism’s subjects in ways closely aligned with existing dynamics of patriarchy, whiteness, affluence, and bodily ability and size. This analysis demonstrates how the refrain “saladSalad is feminine” endorses and reinforces notions of identityIdentity, powerPower, and inequity through specifically nutricentric means that permeate women’s diet and wellnessWellnessmediaMedia.