Alicia Ouellette’s Bioethics and Disability: Toward a Disability-Conscious Bioethics is the result of her “ten-year journey toward disability consciousness” . By saying so, Ouellette suggests a bioethics “mindful of and knowledgeable about the fact of disability in bioethical cases” . Thus, a common struggle should be overcome: bioethics versus the disability rights community.The book begins with an introduction to Bioethics on the one side and the disability rights community on the other. Ouellette then explains that she is firmly convinced that, despite the differences and points of friction between the two groups, the disability perspective should be included in debates concerning bioethical issues. In other words, it is possible for bioethicists and disability experts to work together. Ouellette describes herself as a “firm believer in the case-study method for nuanced understanding of legal doctrine and policy” , and for that reason, sh ..