Environmental Science and Technology in Taiwan: A Reflection of Environmental Philosophy
Since the 1980s, our government and scholars began to concern the issue of environmental technology; Environmental Science and Technology Park have been established recently, and second, three years in industry, government, environmental science and technology learning how to do it? This is a worthy topic of concern for environmentalists. In other words, this paper attempts to view the empirical data, take a look today at this stage of Taiwan's environmental technology industry, the actual practice of how? Government policy on how and how important academic research? And to integrate Chinese and Western philosophical perspective on the environment, to examine whether these environmental technology integration practices on environmental ethics and how to improve these practices in environmental technology? This research offers hope to those with environmental technology-related government agencies and industry as a reference. From 1980's on, the government and scholars in Taiwan have started caring the problems of environmental science and technology. Recently the gardens of environmental science and technology have been established one by one. The study attempts to explore what they do on the environmental science and technology among the enterprises, government, and scholars within these two decades. It is really a worthy issue deserving the concern of environmental scholars nowadays. In other words, this article firstly tries to exam the existing practices of environmental science and technology in Taiwan from experiential data . And secondly exams whether these practices correspond to the norms of environmental ethics so far as from the perspective of an Integrated Approach to Chinese-Western Environmental Philosophy concern? Finally, tries to find out how to improve the practices of environmental science and technology in Taiwan ? Hoping this research may offers some useful suggestions for those relevant government units and enterprises in Taiwan