Love of nature and grace reserved Gennady theories and one of the "deification" concept Concept Study
Love reserves Gennady developed a unique "natural level" theoretical philosophy, there are a total of four: God, were compared, by the creation and divine nature. God's grace people have the ability to return to God, and for the whole universe and God combined, the result is nervous of natural generation, in which nature exists within each person will be one of God within, and will lose its individual properties. Man, he can achieve complete unity with God, one kind, and this is the "nervous" of the state. Required by this state who cooperate with the grace of God can be reached. And people love that stay Gennady mainly through his rational faculties to the pursuit and reached the nervous nature of the unity with God. John Scotus Eurigena developed a somewhat original philosophical theory of the levels of Nature, which divides all existing being into four categories: God, universals, creatures and the Divine Nature. It is God's grace, which actively makes it possible for humans to return to God and for the whole Universe to be ultimately united with God, thus comprising the Divine Nature, in which every being will be united with each other in God and will ultimately lose its own individual properties. On the part of man, he may reach a complete unity with God in the state of 'theosis' , which may be attained through the co-operation between a man and the grace of God. Moreover, Eriugena held that it is the faculty of human reason, which has the primary responsibility for pursuing God and for attaining the ultimate unity with God in the Divine Nature