That Is Emulated In The Ritual Of The Created World. Promoting Music Can Express Emotion And Get The Chance To Reconcile, Contrast, Can Be Appropriate To Guide The Desire To Avoid The Uncontrolled Flow In The Flood; The Ceremony Is To Obtain Specific Rational Realization Of Human Relations People To Get A Reasonable Standard - This Is The Confucian "rule The World By Ritual," The Intellectual Tradition. However, The The Perception Of Ritual, The Ceremony Can Be Said To Represent The Code Of Ethics, Human Relations Is To Maintain The Most Important Treasure; Music Certainly Helps To Enhance The Moral Life, But Not Enough To Fully Rendered Art Face, Therefore, Might Come From An Artistic Point Of View To Carry Out The Significance Of Music In Today's Era. Today Is The Use Of Technology To Achieve A High Degree Of Material Life Of The Times, In Order To Make The Mankind From The Animals Become Active Only Material Things, There Is A Ritual To Promote Its Development Of A Profound Idea - T [Book Review]
Tang Jun-yi of human life is divided into natural, three levels of morality and religion. He described his people's natural desire to go beyond the self that exists between the two conflicts, and to whether certain self-consciousness as a unified moral consciousness and religious consciousness to distinguish the difference between the basis. Moral self-consciousness is certainly a unified; religious self-consciousness is the loss of a unified self-conscious, and showed a mythical confrontation duality. Through the author's subjectivity and moral consciousness as a contrast, from the following six areas of discussion over the subject of religious consciousness: A theory of Tang Junyi's "super-objective and subjective realm." Second, Martin Buber's theory • "I am the pure and eternal full filling your relationship." Third, Paul Tillich's theory • "Beyond the moral conscience." Fourth, the "self-discipline" and "heteronomy" inappropriate comparison. Fifth, the subject is beyond the awareness within and beyond the consciousness of the subject beyond comparison. Six, self-awareness and enlightenment of the contrast. Dr.Tang Chun Yi defines three levels of life for human beings: physical, moral, and religious. He analyzes human self-consciousness and points out the conflict between desire and transcending desire. The awareness of an unitary self is considered a criterion in distinguishing moral and religious consciousness. A moral consciousness affirms an unitary self, while the religious consciousness loses it. This loss creates the duality of the divine and the demonic. I would like to contrast the suprasubjective religious consciousness with the subjective moral consciousness from six aspects: a) Dr.Tang 's concept of "the state of transcending the subject and the object", b) Martin Bubber's concept of "the complete relation between the I and the eternal Thou". c) Paul Tillich's concept of "transmoral consciousness". d ) The inappropriate contrast between "autonomy" and "heteronomy". e) The contrast between the transcendent consciousness in the subject and the transcendent consciousness of transcending the subject. f) The contrast between self-awareness and revelativity.