Meister Eckhart's Mysticism and Thought in Traditional Thinking: A Preliminary Exploration
Yike Ha Master left a lot of thought to the future generations of disputes, some people believe he is involved in pantheism and anti-moral law and condemned by the Church, but also suggested that he is the father of German Mysticism. Scholars today McGinn not has never been a heresy that Aike Ha elements, but the problem just as the medieval thinking right Weiji Olsson said, Yike Ha ideological interpretation, say, today. Recently, some scholars, such as: Weber , Libby pull , Bulu En ideology and theology of Aike Ha traditional relationship, the truth that although Aike Ha have a strong personal touch, but with the theological tradition of important basic principle of consistency. The goal of writing is to explore the Aike Ha with God, the traditional relationship between philosophy and indirectly to clarify the issue of the legitimacy of its ideas, and promote the sub-solution of his thought, the writing process in addition to several scholars refer to the above arguments, there are a lot of personal seat as an important supplement. Finally, it discusses a wide range, including: grace, Smart Power, Divine Love, spiritual wisdom and there, analog and dialectical issues are covered. Meister Eckhart is a disputed person since his life time, some people consider his teaching is involved in pantheism and antinomianism, some other take him as the father of German mysticism. According to B. McGinn, the Meister was never a heretic, by either medieval or modem standards, E. Gilson points out the basic problem is not to find a good interpretation of the Meister, but rather to choose one between so many consistent interpretations. Recently some scholars, such as E. - H. Wéber, Libera, and EZ Brunn suggest the idea that, although the teaching of the Meister is very personal, yet they are in accord with the best doctrines of the theological tradition. Our paper studies the mysticism and thinking of the Meister in traditional thought, we consider it an important issue that leads to a proper interpretation of him. Finally, the subjects treated in the present paper are: grace, operative power, Love, intellect, Being, analogy and dialectics