Studies in Rhetoric and Commun (
Focuses criticism upon the writings of Kenneth Burke Extensions of the Burkeian System constitutes one of the first projects to meet the requirements Burke has established for his operation benchmark. This volume its origins in the scholarly contributions of Kenneth Burke. All of the authors of the chapters in this volume adopt stances that defer to Burke's initial contributions, ultimately casting their work as extensions of ideas and claims posited by Burke. Yet, all of the authors also make significant departures from positions Burke has articulated. The range of these reactions varies tremendously. Several of the authors cast their positions as augmentations. They offer supplements to Burke's claims that constitute logical additions to Burke's initial observations, but even these authors provide adjustments to the Burkeian system that make a difference in how the system is perĀceived and understood. Other essays are cast in a more challenging mode, arguing explicitly for alternative viewpoints. Displeased with Burke's analysis at a given point for one reason or another, they posit positions different than those advanced by Burke.