James Clarke & Co. (
One of the greatest challenges facing mankind today is the need to find a faith that will serve modern man and his problems. The lack of such a faith could explain why so many people are becoming drop-outs from Christianity. Eric Butterworth's book is a result of the author's personal search for a practical day-to-day Christianity. The greatest discovery of all time, he says in The Power Within, was that made by Jesus of the divine dimension in every human being. Christianity, says the author, has emphasised the divinity of Jesus, but Jesus Himself taught the divinity of man. His most vital mission on earth was to help man discovers this. The entire Gospel message deals with techniques for unfolding this divine potential, and Eric Butterworth's book, in its close relationship to the teaching of Jesus, is thus a valuable self-help book for modern men and women who are seeking a truly full way of life. Like Emmet Fox, the author asks, 'What did Jesus really teach?', and the direct and simple answers he presents should bring great comfort to many who have forgotten even to ask the question.