Where is the Church? The Sacrament of Baptism in the Teaching of Cyprian, Parmenian, Petilian and Augustine
Dissertation, Graduate Theological Union (
This dissertation will trace the idea of how 'Church' is defined in North African Christianity through its understanding of the sacrament of Baptism in the writings of Cyprian, Parmenian, Petilian and Augustine. This will include such issues as the purity of the community, the holiness of the minister, and the efficacy of the Holy Spirit as it relates to the Baptismal Sacrament. In addition to Baptism and ecclesiology, I will investigate the social, political and economic issues that were germane to the shaping, hardening and eventual condemnation of those beliefs. The history of North African Christianity has often been overshadowed by the work and person of Augustine, bishop of Hippo. This is unfortunate, however, for it is my contention that Augustine's teaching did not represent the views of the majority of Christians in North Africa before or after him. I will argue that to understand the Donatists is to understand the majority of native Christians in North Africa from the second to the early part of the fifth century. Moreover, in doing this I hope that my analysis will bring out the struggles between North African Christianity and the political, social and economic challenges that were specific to each writer and period. Furthermore, I subject their writings to the criticism of Augustine, in order to show he not only misunderstood his Donatist opponents, but misrepresented their teachings as well. As a result of their condemnation and Augustine's theological dominance, they have for many years been designated as a small, insignificant, schismatic or heretical sect. ;The purpose of this dissertation therefore is to correct that image and bring more appreciation to the North African Christian tradition that is called 'Donatist.' The Donatists were in many ways similar to their Catholic opponents: they were a Church of heroes and villains. Moreover, the Donatists were the majority Church in North Africa for most of their history and were the authentic heirs of that African brand of Christianity bequeathed to them by their fellow Africans, Tertullian and their hero and martyr, St. Cyprian