As a subject for philosophical analysis, communication is one of the forms of the universal connection among phenomena - what is called directed contact. It is carried out by signals directed from certain phenomena to others, and finds expression in various forms of communicative processes occurring in nature and society. Science has long been aware of communicative processes, but they have been studied in isolation and rarely subjected to comparison. Matters never went beyond analogies, although these were sometimes wondrously appropriate. Thus, the activity of a gland producing a hormone carried in the bloodstream to the entire organ was compared by A. A. Ukhtomskii to the work of a radio operator sending a "CQ" message "to everyone." Here we find reflected an internal functional universality marking a particular form of communication - retial . The value of this analogy was properly appreciated only after the passage of time, with the development of cybernetics, when it became clear that communication, which is highly diverse in its concrete manifestations, has a single basis: the essence of communicative processes is the transmission of information