Selfridge is a corporate administrator for the Resources Development Administration (RDA) Corporation. Selfridges's dastardly deeds on behalf of RDA shareholders would be denounced by a variety of ethical umpires, religious and secular. But maybe such denunciations are beside the point. The RDA unleashes torrential firepower on Hometree to gain access to unobtanium, a priceless mineral. This destruction of a culture for profits screams immorality. Selfridge accepts his prime directive to be the maximization of RDA profits by any means necessary. “Their damn village happens to be resting on the richest unobtanium deposit within 200 klicks in any direction,” grumbles Selfridge, who wants the priceless rocks underneath Hometree. Philosophers generally think that a being has natural rights by virtue of possessing certain traits, such as consciousness, self‐awareness, creativity, willfulness, or rationality. Tragically, human beings can drift from their moral values, especially when they act as members of groups.