A new edition of Schelling’s works is now in production. The Schelling-Kommission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich is both the sponsor and also the central workplace for the necessary research and editorial labors. The monumental project eventually will consist of some 80 volumes, although it will surely not be completed for several decades. The official title of the new edition is: Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Historisch-Kritische Ausgabe. Based on the evidence of the initial volume, a handsome work of impressive critical scholarship published in 1976, the new edition promises to be of inestimable value for research on German idealism. I will describe the overall plan of the new edition and also comment specifically on the contents of the first volume. A prospectus is available from the publishers: Frommann-Holzboog, 7 Stuttgart 50, Postfach 500460.