The theology of Jean Daniélou follows an itinerary that leads from existential ex-perience to theological speculation. While carrying out his ministry in France, he had always a missionary soul that led him to leave the university and reach the outskirts of existence. This holds true for all areas of his research: dialogue with the contemporary world, dialogue with non-Christian religions, the renewal of theological method, the return to the Fathers. The present article—a summary of doctoral research presented in 2010—analyzes the theological method of Jean Daniélou with the purpose of understanding the reach of his theology of fulfillment and of mission. His method is varied and realistic, and belongs to the long tradition which sinks its roots into biblical typology, passing through the Fathers, and in fidelity to the spirit of St. Thomas Aquinas. The article closes with a mention of the theology of mission, a key component of the French theologian’s entire reflection.