[author unknown]
BERRY, ELLEN E. Negative Aesthetics and Feminist Critique. (London: Bloomsbury). 2016. pp. 176. £60.00 (hbk).DUSSERT, JEAN BAPTISTE and JDEY, ADNEN (eds) Mikel Dufrenne et L’Esthétique. (Renne: Presses Universitaires de Rennes). 2016. pp. 272. €23.00 (pbk).EVINE, SIMON J. Making Objects and Events. (Oxford: OUP). 2016. pp. 288 £45.00 (hbk).GURD, DEAN ALEXANDER. Dissonance: Auditory Aesthetics in Ancient Greece. (New York: Fordham University Press). 2016. pp. 239. £41.58 (hbk).HERWITZ, DANIEL. The Star as Icon: Celebrity in the Age of Mass Consumption. (New York: Columbia University Press). 2016. pp. 176. £19.00 (pbk).IRVINE, SHERRI. Body Aesthetics. (Oxford: OUP). 2016. pp. 330. £40.00 (hbk).MACKENDRICK, KARMEN. The Matter of Voice: Sensual Soundings. (New York: Fordham University Press). 2016. pp. 224. £18.99 (pbk).MONTERO, BARBARA GAIL. Thought in Action: Expertise and the Conscious Mind. (Oxford: OUP). 2016. pp. 288. £30.00 (hbk).ODIN, STEVE. Tragic Beauty in Whitehead and Japanese Aesthetics. (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books). 2016. pp. 333. £70.00 (hbk).