Modelar o no modelar: esa no es la cuestión. ¿Hay algo intermedio?
The present paper tries to show that in the discussion on whether it is better to model or not to capture truth in the social world, that is not what is mainly being discussed. We put forward
that the main question in this discussion is, essentially, ontological, not methodological. As a
representative of the “to model position” we will refer to Uskali Mäki’s Possible Realism, and as
one ofthe “notto model position” we will consider Tony Lawson’s Critical Realism. What will be
argued isthat the main differences between these positions asregards methodology to access
the social world, lie in the different ontologies about the social realm. It will also be introduced
ifthere is any possibility of an “in between position”, or atleastthe chance of a dialogue between
these different epistemological trends