The purpose[aut]Video Games of the study is to analyse[aut]Cognitive Skills the modern pedagogical[aut]Pedagogical contextcontextContextpedagogical context which demonstrates the possibilities of using video gamesGamevideo games to develop cognitive skillsCognitiveskill when learning a foreign language[aut]Foreign language. Pedagogical theories recognize the importance of games as a method[aut]Method. The game context is entertaining and allows scholars and teachers to build a staged development of educational skills. The research is based on a systematic review and analysis of current use of computer[aut]Computer gamesgamesGamecomputer games for cognitive skillsCognitiveskill development in foreign language learning. The analysis shows that video gamesGamevideo games are used to develop several related cognitive skillsCognitiveskill: vocabularyVocabulary development, understanding the context to provide feedback when building a simple dialogue, accuracy in the word choice, speech strategies, and reading and writing[aut]Writing skills development. Evidence reveals didactic ways of organizing training[aut]Training based on video gamesGamevideo games to positively affect the development of cognitive skillsCognitiveskill. However, results show that this impact is limited, because video gamesGamevideo games have a strict design and cannot effectively develop cognitive skillsCognitiveskill requiring a wide choice of speech means in the interactions between players. It is also unlikely that video games either stimulate the use of speech strategies in a situation of uncertainty or provide for extra linguistic factors.