Orbis Books (
Editorial. Ecology and poverty : cry of the earth, cry of the poor / Leonardo Boff and Virgil Elizondo -- I. Some problems. The present socio-economic system as a cause of ecological imbalance and poverty / Julio de Santa Ana -- Ecological consciousness in Amazonia: the indigenous experience / Berta G. Ribeiro -- Sacred earth: Mesoamerican perspectives / Sylvia Marcos -- II. A theological perspective. The cry of the earth? Biblical perspectives on ecology and violence / Christoph Uelinger -- Spirituality of the earth / Julia Esquivel Velásquez -- Liberation theology and ecology: alternative confrontation or complementarity? / Leonardo Boff -- Some premises for an eco-social theology of liberation / José ramos Regidor -- III. New horizons. Towards a new paradigm of production : from an economy of unlimited growth towards one of human sufficiency / Bastiaan Wielenga -- Ecology from the viewpoint of the poor / Eduardo Gudynas -- Principles for a socio-environmental ethic : the relationship between Earth and life / Charles Richard Hensman -- The theological debate on ecology / Rosino Gibellini -- Special column.