An Inquiry Into the Role of Existential Philosophy in the Practice of Existential Psychotherapy
Dissertation, Alliant International University, San Diego (
Current research linking the role of existential theory in the practice of existential psychotherapy has revealed two significant and disturbing findings: that an attempt to formulate an existential standpoint as a treatment modality has few precedents in the therapy literature ; and, that a rigorous, cohesive, and systematic approach defining the process of existential psychotherapy remains vague and undefined. In an effort to explore, assess, and redefine this phenomenon, the present study focused on two arenas of relevance: fundamental themes of existential thought; and, an examination of methods used by current existential practitioners. This qualitative study was employed to assess if, in fact, existential psychotherapy can be used as an umbrella term in relationship to existential thought and philosophy. ;This investigation utilized a structured yet open-ended questionnaire, developed from common themes derived from the Literature Review, to explore the techniques and therapeutic style of existentially-oriented psychotherapists. Through a qualitative analysis, the data derived from 10 interviews with clinical psychologists who identity themselves as being existentially-oriented revealed: that existential practitioners lack a common language when describing similar thoughts and techniques; that there is a process which defines existential technique. However, without a systematic and rigorous defining of terms, a participant would often describe the exact same phenomenon as another clinician yet use a completely different word to describe it. Once again, there appeared to be incongruence when, in fact, the participants were completely congruent in both their approach and technique; that, unlike other modalities mentioned in the Literature Review , which is applicable to a majority of populations, existential psychotherapy is not. For example, the fragility and rigidity of a patient may deter an existential practitioner from embarking on a process-oriented existential exploration; and, that the parameters of what constitutes the defining of how one earns the right to call him/herself an existential psychotherapist remains vague, with further investigation needed. ;This study concludes that further investigation---to assess, clarify, and develop current existential terms and practices among those identifying themselves as being existentially-oriented---is warranted. Despite the ambivalence among many clinicians to embrace existentialism as a treatment modality, its approach and philosophy can, at many times, result in a powerful and dynamic transformation of a person's being-in-the-world . It is truly hoped that this dissertation becomes only a platform for many other researchers to use as their foundation---to explore existential thought and philosophy as a paradigm and design in the execution of existential psychotherapy